10:39 am | January 24, 2022
Late January updates for winter instruction


一些学校已经更新了他们的冬季学期或春季学期计划, including dates for a return to in-person instruction.

Campuses continue to provide updates. 请访问以下网站了解有关您的校园的最新信息.


4:01 pm | January 7, 2022
Additional campus-specific coronavirus updates

Updated Jan 10. 2022 to add UC Santa Barbara release.

In an effort to mitigate the health impacts of COVID-19, 一些校园已经发布了对冬季学期计划的修订,如下所示.

Campuses continue to provide updates. 请访问以下网站了解有关您的校园的最新信息.


3:17 pm | December 21, 2021
Campus-specific coronavirus updates

Updated Jan 6. 随着校园具体计划的不断更新,2022年将优先考虑校园地点.

Campuses continue to provide updates. 请访问以下网站了解有关您的校园的最新信息.


Original Dec. 21 post (updated Dec. 22; UC Merced update added Jan. 6): Today (Dec. 21) UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D., 就基因组变体及其对公众健康的影响向10位正规欧洲杯买球网站校长发了一封信. Per the letter, which requests of each campus a plan that mitigates public health impacts, 应对每个校区面临的独特情况,并在1月份返回之前保持教学和研究运营, 一些学校已经发布了关于他们冬季学期计划的声明.

UC Berkeley and UC Merced are on a semester system.

UC Berkeley 目前计划所有的课程都是面对面的,包括在1月10日之前开始的课程. 18. See this release for more details: http://news.berkeley.edu/2021/12/22/an-update-on-uc-berkeleys-plans-for-the-spring-semester/

UC Merced presently plans a week of remote instruction: http://news.ucmerced.edu/news/2022/uc-merced-prepares-spring-semester-girds-omicron

11:48 am | December 21, 2021
Dec. 21 message from President Michael V. Drake to the UC chancellors

UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D., sent the following letter today (Dec. 21)向10位正规欧洲杯买球网站校长介绍了基因组变体的演变情况. Please see the full text below.

December 21, 2021

Dear Chancellors,

As you know, 随着欧米克隆变异病毒的传播,COVID-19病例在全国范围内继续迅速增加. The emergence of this new and fast-moving variant, 再加上学生往返校园,以及假期聚会的盛行, 在新年伊始,我们的校园将面临一系列独特的公共卫生挑战.

根据与大学领导和公共卫生专家的协商, 我要求你们每个人设计并实施一项计划,为一月份重返校园减轻对公共健康的影响, responds to the unique circumstances facing your campus, and maintains our teaching and research operations. 此计划应包含测试、隔离和重新测试模型,如 UC Health Coordinating Committee’s guidance for returning students.

这可能需要学校在学期开始时使用远程教学,以便学生在返回校园时完成适当的测试协议. 鉴于当地条件和整个大学校园运作的差异, 这种远程教学时间的长短可能因校园而异.

In line with public health best practices, 你的返校计划还应该强调校园预防措施的重要性, 特别是在学生还处于测试阶段的初始返校阶段. 这应该包括对戴口罩保持警惕,对面对面的聚会采取负责任的态度. Large, congregant events, particularly indoors, 应该避免在冬季学期或春季学期的开始几周.

证据很清楚,接种增强剂对于保护自己和周围的人免受欧米克隆和其他变种的侵害至关重要. Therefore, 我还要求你们每个人向你们的校园社区传达助推器的重要性, especially at this stage of the pandemic. 应鼓励符合条件的返乡学生在返校前获得激励. Under existing UC policy,学生,教师和工作人员需要保持他们的疫苗接种状态最新. The policy mandates COVID-19 boosters for those who are eligible. 有关增强资格的信息可从疾病控制中心获得.

Thank you for your continued leadership during these challenging times, and for your advice, counsel, and input as we plan for 2022. Brenda and I wish you and your families a happy holiday season.




Michael V. Drake, M.D.
University of California

2:08 pm | May 24, 2021

New guidance is available with regard to emergency grants for students under the new American Recovery Plan (ARP). The University of California is also issuing 修订的上一轮紧急赠款供资准则. Please click the links to learn more.

9:18 am | April 22, 2021
Campus plans for fall instruction released to date

Individual UC campuses have begun to release plans for fall instruction. Plans may be updated further in the future; this is a rolling list and campuses will be added as they release more information. Please check with individual campuses regarding any questions. The UC system as a whole plans to return to primarily in-person instruction as of fall 2021.

UC Berkeley: An update on UC Berkeley’s plans for the fall semester (March 16, 2021)
UC Irvine: UC Irvine Admissions and COVID-19 (microsite)
UCLA: Planning for a fall return to campus (April 2, 2021)
UC Merced: Campus ready: Fall 2021 (March 9, 2021)
UC Riverside: Color tiers will end; UC Riverside revisits fall plans (April 21, 2021)
UC San Diego: Office of the Chancellor: Fall instruction planning update (April 5, 2021)
UC Santa Barbara: Fall 2021 planning update: In-person instruction and housing (April 16, 2021)
UC Santa Cruz: Update on fall quarter instructional planning (March 23, 2021)

3:43 pm | March 22, 2021

The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021年(CRRSAA)提供了230亿美元,用于应对COVID-19大流行带来的高等教育挑战, 其中约三分之一拨给学院和大学,为学生提供紧急助学金. See a summary of how the University of California plans to implement the CRRSAA emergency aid.

2:57 pm | January 30, 2021

UC Davis is providing free testing, 向住在附近的数万人提供口罩和隔离住房. Click the link above to read the full story.

10:05 am | January 11, 2021

继续尽自己的一份力量,帮助降低COVID-19传播的风险, UCLA will offer remote-only instruction for the spring 2021 quarter, which concludes June 11, extending the same protocols already in place this academic year. 将有有限数量的面对面或混合教学课程,这些课程是培养学生从事基本工作岗位所必需的. Learn more by reading the announcement: UCLA extends remote instruction and work for spring quarter.